The Advantages Of Using A Self-Service Advertising Platform For Your Publication
Implementing a self-service advertising platform can transform submission management for your publication, enabling advertisers to submit and manage their ads through an online portal directly. Read on to learn how this will benefit your publication business.
1. Save Time With Efficient Ad Submission
Fielding calls and emails from advertisers to collect their ad information and take payments manually can be incredibly time-consuming. A self-service programmatic advertising platform removes this manual back-and-forth by enabling advertisers to input everything directly themselves. Advertisers can log in anytime from their phone or laptop to create, schedule and pay for their advertisement or notice. No more waiting around for your team's availability; ads and notices can be submitted instantly for faster publishing, whatever the time of day or night leaving your team to simply approve and release content for publishing.
2. Reduce Costs by Streamlining Workflows
With advertisers handling their own creation, scheduling, and payment your sales, production and accounting teams are free to focus on less mundane tasks. Sales can focus on higher value opportunities, production on more creative aspects and accounts on reporting and bookwork. A streamlined workflow of a self-service platform also reduces associated costs around proofing, corrections, manual errors and payment handling meaning fewer mistakes reach your team.
3. Open Up New Revenue Streams
A quality self-service advertising or announcements platform ensures lower revenue-generating options remain profitable. Individuals and businesses can submit simple DIY ads at manageable rates and at their convenience with creation, proofing, scheduling and payment options streamlining their experience. Convert these prospects into new and repeat customers with a streamlined self-service submission experience.
4. Engage Advertisers With 24/7 Ad Management
Another significant benefit of self-service advertising is 24/7 ad management for advertisers, allowing them to submit and revise content at their convenience while removing the out-of-hours requirements on your teams.
5. Reduce Errors by Removing Manual Work
Humans are amazing but also fallible with details often lost in translation, especially with traditional multi-step processes. Content is frequently misinterpreted, emails get missed or files not saved resulting in a stream of multi-tier corrections and wasted effort. Having advertisers enter info directly into the platform, a self-service programmatic advertising platform prevents these issues and places the responsibility for mistakes and revisions on the advertiser. Advertisers immediately see their ad as it will be published, leading to a digitised submissions process, reduced errors and an enhanced customer experience.
6. Improve The Advertiser Experience
A well-designed self-service platform also provides an intuitive, optimised interface for advertisers to adapt to their needs and preferences. Advertisers can create, preview, schedule and pay with just a few clicks, making the process faster and easier for them. With a simplified ad process, advertisers also feel more empowered and in control, which builds trust and satisfaction with your media platforms.
7. Enable Instant Payment Upon Purchase
Top self-service platforms provide both account and integrated seamless payment processing through leading gateways, improving your cash flow, and avoiding frustrating delays between publication and payment. Advertisers can securely pay by card or cardless payment system as soon as they finish designing their ads, with an auto-generated invoice downloadable from the platform. This is quicker, easier, and more convenient than traditional invoices and also saves your publication money on credit control and accounting administration.
Find Out More
Schedule a free consultation today to learn how Papermule's tailored self-service advertising platform can help your publishing business achieve more efficient operations and increased profitability.
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